Question — how much of what you “say” is actually interpreted through body language and tone of voice?发问——与人沟通时,有多少信息是经过身体言语和语调表达出来的呢?
Professor Albert Mehrabian has stated that only 7% of a message is conveyed verbally, through words. The other 93% is split between tone of voice (38%) and body language (55%). And in a job interview, it’s important to take control of your body language as much as possible. After all, even though you may say all the right things, your body can be telling the interviewer a completely different story. 阿尔伯特·梅拉宾教授指出,只要7%的信息是经过言语传达的,而其他93%的信息是经过声响语调(38%)和身体言语(55%)传达的。作业面试时,得当的身体言语十分重要,不然,即使你的言语表达无可挑剔,你的身体言语却现已出卖了你。
1. Don’t Make a Feeble First Impression不要给人脆弱的第一形象
It’s been said that employers can spot the right candidate within 30 seconds, and that’s all about body language. Be confident, but not arrogant. Walk in with a smile, without fiddling with anything you’re wearing, and give a firm handshake。雇主能在30秒之内断定面试者是不是是适宜的雇员,身体言语起到了十分重要的效果。要自傲,但不要高傲。走进房间时面带微笑,不要耍弄身上的物件,握手时坚决有力。
2. Stop Touching Your Face!不要摸脸
Did you see the movie Contagion
by Steven Soderbergh? A doctor played by Kate Winslet states that the average person touches their face between 2,000 and 3,000 times every day! Now, while you can’t stop yourself from doing this all the time, you must stop during the interview. We’re all guilty of touching our nose, our lips, and our forehead, but these all imply that we’re either nervous or dishonest。你看过那个电影吗,史蒂芬·索德伯格导演的《病原体》?影片中,凯特·温丝莱特扮演的大夫说,平常人每天都要接触个人的脸2000-3000次!或许你无法改掉这个习气,但至少在面试时不要这样做。接触鼻子,嘴唇和前额,标明你十分严重或不诚实。
3. Don’t Do the Leg Wobble不要晃腿
It can be due to nervous energy, restless leg syndrome, or just bad habit. But whether you do it a little or a lot, do not do it in an interview. The message you’re sending is loud and clear — I’m anxious, and I can’t wait to get out of here。晃腿的缘由有许多:心情严重,不安腿综合征,或是由于坏习气。可是,在面试时,不要这样做。这样的身体言语传达的信息十分清晰——我焦虑不安,只想赶快逃离这里。
4. It’s a Cliché Because It’s True: Don’t Cross Your Arms陈词滥调:不要环胸抱臂
You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again — and there’s a good reason. When you cross your arms, you are saying that you are closed off, closed minded, defensive, or just plain bored. It doesn’t matter if you find it the most comfortable way to hold your arms; this is an interview, and it’s not a good idea to practice the most widely known negative piece of body language in front of a potential employer。这是陈词滥调了——但仍是有必要再着重一次。交叉双臂的身体言语,传达的是这样的信息:关闭防护,或穷极无聊。若是你觉得这样的姿态最为舒畅,没有问题;可要晓得,这是一场面试,在潜在的雇主面前,体现出这样负面的身体言语,可不是正确的挑选。
5. Don’t Sit Up Too Straight, but Don’t Slouch Either不要正襟危坐,也不能坐没坐相
Sit up straight, but not so straight it looks like you’re craning your neck to the ceiling. And of course, don’t be so relaxed that you slouch. This looks messy, disrespectful, and lazy。坐直身体,但不要过分生硬,如同你的脖子被吊在了天花板上。当然,也不能过分放松,坐没坐相,体现的萎靡慵懒,目无尊长。
6. Props Are for Magicians and Comedians放下手里的道具——你不是魔术师或诙谐艺人
If you’re playing a balancing act with pens, organizers, your cell phone, resumes, and other paraphernalia, you look ill-at-ease, clumsy, and unprepared. And if you start dropping things, you make it even worse。把钢笔、文件、手机、简历或其他物件拿在手里不断耍弄,会让你显得严重蠢笨,毫无准备。若是手中的东西掉落到地上,那就更糟糕了。
7. Eye Contact Is Good; Staring Is Not目光沟通,但不要盯着对方
You don’t want to have your eyes wandering the room looking for an exit, but you also don’t want to fix a laser-like stare into the interviewers soul. If there’s more than one person in the room, make eye contact with each person. And don’t stare at the mouth or forehead. In fact, don’t stare, period. Remember to blink, please!左顾右盼当然欠好,可也不要盯着面试官的双眼。若是房间里还有其他人,要和每个人进行目光沟通。不要盯着他人的前额或嘴巴。记住,眨眨双眼!
8. Watch Those Hands把手放在适宜的方位
Mark Bowden, author of the book Winning Body Language, suggests keeping your hands and arms in the “truth plane。” Ideally, this is an area that fans out 180 degrees from your navel, stopping below the collarbone. Keeping gestures
within this place keeps your hands away from your face, as noted earlier, and shows that you are calm, centered, and controlled。《成功的身体言语》一书的作者马克·博登主张,把手臂放在“真话区”,即肚脐至锁骨之间的区域。在这一区间做手势,不会碰到脸颊(前文说到的第2点),且会给人沉稳专心的形象。
9. Don’t Be a Nodding Dog不要总是允许赞同
Nodding in agreement with everything, regardless of the message, makes you look somewhat sycophantic, perhaps even spineless。不论他人说什么都允许赞同的行动,显得你溜须拍马、毫无节气。
10. Don’t Keep Your Distance or Get in Their Faces与面试官坚持适宜的间隔
So stay at a comfortable distance from the desk, showing enough of your upper
body to indicate that you have nothing to hide. If there’s no desk, follow the same rules. Don’t get so close that your breath is in their face, but don’t back off so far that you’re clearly trying to avoid them。若是面前有张桌子,与桌子坚持适宜的间隔,显出足够多的上半身,表明你没有什么可隐秘的。若是面前没有桌子,也应遵从相同的规矩。不要坐的太近,让面试官感触到你的鼻息,也不要坐的太远,如同你不肯与他们沟通。